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These are the committees defined within League of Women Voters of Albany County. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Board of Directors manage the property and conduct business of LWVAC, subject to the direction of the general membership; plan and direct the work necessary to carry out the program as adopted by the National and New York State Conventions and by the membership of the LWVAC; select delegates to state convention and council, and to national convention; create and appoint special committees as necessary; have fiduciary responsibility for the LWVAC. Approximately half of the board is elected by members each year, to serve a two-year term.
Action and Advocacy
The Advocacy committee leads the planning and adoption, by members, of our Albany County “Program” (see the Local Program under Where We Stand menu). They monitor League policy issues at the local, state and national levels, and notifies members of issues and opportunities for direct advocacy action, and organizes legislative visits.
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Communications Committee members each manage specific tasks to keep members, colleagues and supporters, and the public informed, including: Website manager, Bulletin editor, weekly or biweekly eNews editor, Media/Press Relations coordinator, and Social Media manager
DEI Workgroup
Assist LWVAC leadership to engage in purposeful action to advance diversity, equity and inclusion throughout their work by educating, enlightening, and provoking discussion around this topic. Members: LWVAC members, selected for their knowledge and interest in DEI, work with community partners to achieve LWVAC goals in concert with LWVNYS DEI Task Force.
Educational Events
The Educational Events Committee is responsible for the planning and implementation of League educational events for the year, either directly or by supporting other committees’ and partners’ educational programs. Events may be live or virtual. Events may: support the League’s annual program os local issues and positions -- acknowledge a monthly observance such as Black History Month ir Women’s History Month -- address current issues. The Committee also may assist with a speaker for the Annual Meeting, and in the planning of membership meetings (including consensus and concurrence meetings) in consultation with the Membership Committee.
Fundraising & Development
The Fundraising and Development Committee works with the F & D Director to plan fundraising efforts, develop a fundraising calendar, obtain sponsorships and auction items as needed, create email and/or letter appeals, share social media posts regarding LWVAC fundraising activities, and staff fundraising events as needed.
Membership Committee
Maintains an up to date database of League members including name, address, e-mail, telephone numbers, interests and skills. Acknowledges new and renewing members with thank you emails. Engages new members by sending information about our League, holding regular new member meetings with the president and providing bulletin editors with new member names for welcome messages.
Nominations Committee 2024/25
To identify a slate of candidates and leaders for offices and committees within the LWVAC.
Observer Corps
Understanding how the local government works is basic to effective League activity. A local League observer is the eyes and ears of the League, learning how the government works and about issues that are or may become items for local study and action. Members of the Observer Corps attend meetings of the county or a town / municipality, take notes, report to the board and to the members, and advise the board of opportunities for action on League positions.
Students Inside Albany
A committee to manage the program of selecting and mentoring students chosen to represent LWVAC in the Students Inside Albany program of LWVNY
Voter Services
The Voter Service Committee promotes voter registration and provides nonpartisan election information to citizens, with scores of volunteers. They educate citizens about candidates and issues through events such as candidate forums and candidate nights, at times collaborating with other local leagues and organizations, and organize voter registration and education events, including annual National Voter Registration Day. Subcommittees serve special populations - High Schools, New Citizens, Incarcerated Persons – and manage online voter information.
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Membership Committee

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League of Women Voters® of Albany County
P.O. Box 611,
Slingerlands, NY
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